Appliance Foams Insulation from FSI provide superior performance, opening new doors for manufacturers to make more innovative and efficient consumer and commercial appliances.

High-Performance Rigid Pour-In-Place Foam
Ecofoam® rigid pour-in-place appliance foams insulation solutions from FSI are engineered to make manufacturing of refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, wine coolers and other insulated appliances more robust.
Excellent thermal insulation properties mean manufacturers can improve performance while reducing material usage.
Strong adhesion characteristics allow for greater freedom in design and material so you can enhance structural integrity and reduce unit weight and cost.
Robust process characteristics like rapid cure time and more uniform in-place density mean manufacturers can use single foam formulas for a wider variety of appliances—and produce them faster and cheaper.
FSI’s global production and distribution network offers flexible delivery in totes, drums, pressurized cylinders or in bulk according to your needs.
Ecofoam is a proven solution with a two-decade track record in insulation applications such as:
- Refrigerators
- Freezers
- Water Heaters
- Wine Coolers
We pride ourselves in our appliance foam insulation systems. Our high-performance rigid pour-in-place foams improve improve performance while reducing material used.

Rotational Molding Brochure

Unmatched Regulatory Compliance
Because it is environmentally benign, Ecomate complies with all current — and most likely all future — regulations pertaining to foam blowing agents. As additional HFCs and other harmful materials are phased out, Ecomate will continue to be the reliable and affordable solution for foam blowing applications. Current regulatory compliance includes:
Technical Support
Foam Supplies, Inc. staffs an industry-leading R&D team and a technical sales and support staff dedicated to building trusted industry relationships.
Together, these experts provide critical product and equipment guidance that allows appliance manufacturers to engineer more efficient, more sustainable household products.